Friday, March 5, 2010

Tip #26: It's never too early to do (and present) research

My first academic conference presentation was at Cornell's Undergraduate Research Conference in 2009 (see picture!). I presented on a paper I had written about French-Canadian participation in the Canadian militia leading up to WWI. Before I showed up at the conference, I was a bit nervous about what it would be like. I got my TA to do a run-through with me, but of course, he prepared me for the worst. Academic conferences are actually pretty cool. It's neat once you realize that you've done so much research that you are really the expert on the topic (well... that could also be because no one knew about this particular topic in the US... hmm...).

So, my next tip (to go around with the series of "it's never too early to..." tips) is to try presenting a research paper at a conference. Not sure where to start? How about the Nipissing University Undergraduate Research Conference! Abstracts (so like a paragraph summary of your research) are due on March 15th, and the conference takes place on March 26th and 27th. If you're interested, or want more information, then email Professor Earl at

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