But at some point in your university career, you will definitely get a class that you just can't sit though without getting bored. In first year, it's also tempting not to go to class because no one is taking attendance.
Nonetheless, I would encourage you to go to every class. It will certainly save you study time, since you can draw on your experiences in class for exams and assignments. Better to let the prof explain difficult concepts to you than struggle with them last minute. This is where the best learning will happen, and let's face it - if you're not at university to learn, then you've got to recheck your priorities.
Professor Mulburger (a Nip prof who blogs!) points to a link from an American prof who often gets "Do I need to know this?" and responds "You can survive without the things you learn in college. People survive scrounging out of dumpsters and sleeping in doorways. If you want to talk about quality of life, we need to be a bit more demanding." (www.uwgb.edu/dtuchs)
But what about those overly boring classes that you just wish you could snooze through? Taking notes will have you stay focused. Also try participating in class discussions - that will make the time fly. You will also want to come prepared to class with the readings done so you can intelligently follow along (although I'm sure you've heard that one before). I think one of the most common reasons a student will "tune out" is because it just doesn't make sense. If, after asking lots of questions, it still doesn't make sense, then talk to your professor or Academic Services about getting some help.
ha ha ha you're a nerd
ReplyDeleteThank you sister dearest