Monday, February 8, 2010

Tip #16: Forward your Nipissing email

I forewarn you that the administration probably doesn't like this tip - but someone is bound to tell you about this, so it might as well be me!

It's advised that you check your Nipissing email account every second day. But, really, who wants to log into my.nipissing every second day to check the account, when you'll probably only get an email in it a few times a month.

Here's the solution: just get it to forward to your personal account. This way, you don't have to check it, and will instantly get any important emails. As an added bonus, hotmail will allow you to send emails from the Nip account, along with receiving them.

Here's how you do it:

Sign into your Nipissing Email
1) Go to
2) Log into your account
3) Click the Email tab at the top
4) Click "launch google mail"
5) Click "Email" (on the left side)

Get your email to forward by:
1) Click "Settings" at the top right corner
2) Click the Forwarding and POP/IMAP tab
3) Beside "Forwarding:" click "Forward copy of incoming mail to (type in your personal email address here) and (keep Nipissing University Mail's copy in inbox)
4) Click "Save Changes" button at the bottom

Allow your hotmail to send from your nipissing adress:
1) When you are in the new message section of your hotmail (where you send a message), click the down arrow beside "from"
2) Choose "Add another email address"
3) At the very bottom, click on the text "Add another account to send mail from"
4) Type in your Nipissing email address
5) Click the "Send verification email" button
6) Now log into your Nipissing Email to find an email from hotmail
7) Click the link to verify
8) Sign into your hotmail account

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