Friday, February 19, 2010

Tip # 21: Meet New People!

I learned this one when I was at Cornell - be proactive about meeting new people!

From day one, I made a point of going up to random people and introducing myself. Generally it went: "Hi, I'm Holly; I'm an exchange student." - Bingo - people are always interested in exchange students, and if not they'll still pity you since you're new and in a foreign country (but don't worry, this still works if you're not an exchange student).

From there, ask tons of questions about them, where they're from originally, their major, their future goals etc. People love to talk about themselves, so it's a super conversation starter!

A great place to try this is before class, in the cafeteria etc. Pick someone sitting by themselves, who's not necessarily engrossed in a newspaper/book and strike up a conversation. I've found that as long as I'm confident, it doesn't feel that awkward.

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