Monday, February 22, 2010

Tip # 22: If you're far from home, try blogging

Who'd have thought that a blogger would be advising you to blog...

Seriously, though, I'm really glad I kept at blog when I was at Cornell. My friends and family could stay updated on what I was doing on my big adventure. If you're far from home, relatives like that they can know what you've been doing. It will also help you stay connected with the people back home.

Some tips for blogging:
  • Be consistent: if you plan to blog every day, then blog every day; if you plan to blog every week, then blog every week. It's good to be reliable even in the virtual world. Plus, family may think you've dropped off the face of the earth if you don't blog for days on end when they've been used to daily updates.
  • Share photos: Just like my "take pictures" tip, posting photos on your blog is always a good draw and helps to explain things that just can't be described any other way (ex. Dragon Day at Cornell)
  • Be positive: Things don't always have to be rosy, but stay away from too much complaining (no one likes to read complaints)
  • Remember that the web is public: Don't write anything you wouldn't want a potential employer, your great aunt or your roomates to read.
It may be tough to get into the habit... I actually had a blog before my personal "Maple to Ivy" blog, but it didn't last very long... but you'll be really happy that you blogged about your university experience (and hey - if there's another blog contest at Nipissing next year, you may even win a prize for it!)

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